Monatsarchive: März 2022

30-year-old punks who come from privileged backgrounds, claiming they’re experts in policy when they actually do not have the basic knowledge

Ted Postol: My grave concern is I know some of these characters who worked for Obama, and who now work for Biden. And I’m sorry to say it—I know it will be considered arrogant to say this—but they are ignorant. … Weiterlesen

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When being a bold renegade was a good thing

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Niedersachsen und Bayern wollen „Z“-Symbol verbieten

FAZ: Niedersachsen und Bayern gehen gegen das „Z“-Symbol vor, das Zeichen der russischen Armee im Krieg gegen die Ukraine. Beide Bundesländer ordneten an, dass die öffentliche Verwendung des Symbols in Deutschland etwa bei Demonstrationen strafbar ist. Möglich sind bis zu … Weiterlesen

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„Regime change plans“

BBC: Ukraine: No Russia regime change plans, says Blinken US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has denied that the United States has any plans to bring about regime change in Russia or anywhere else. Mr Blinken’s comments come a day … Weiterlesen

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Przejście graniczne w Bezledach

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American decency and dignity, in contrast to Putin’s obscenity

New York Times, 25.06.2018:

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A future of hope and light, clarified

A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never erase a people’s love for liberty. Brutality will never grind down their will to be free. Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, for free people refuse to live in … Weiterlesen

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Biden sounds so disjointed. Starting with campaign appearances two years ago I noticed that he rarely seems very animated. He continually seems exhausted, inattentive, as if he’s barely tracking. Handlers seem to guide him on and off stage.

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The new gate, new buildings under construction, new, wide paths, streetlights, fresh signs, freshly painted danger signs on the bunkers all contribute to a bit of a Disneyland feel.

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KZ Soldau

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DL Iłowo

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Warten, tun

Liebe Freund:innen, immer noch warten wir vergebens auf friedliche Neuigkeiten aus der Ukraine. Das Bomben und die Kämpfe müssen als erstes sofort beendet werden, alle Kampfhandlungen müssen eingestellt werden. DIE WAFFEN NIEDER! Bei aller Kritik am russischen Überfall ist dies … Weiterlesen

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