Tagesarchive: März 10, 2022


Guardian: In Canada, a Russian pianist was pulled from an upcoming set of performances – even though he had spoken out against the war in Ukraine. The Montreal Symphony Orchestra said in a statement it would be “inappropriate” for 20-year old … Weiterlesen

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Museum of the 10th Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel

My entire reason for coming here was Rosa Luxemburg, who, apparently not being an outstanding figure of Polish history, did not rate a mention. No matter. The Napoleonic Wars to some, the War of 1812 in the US, the Wars … Weiterlesen

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Katyn Museum

In 2018 at Katyn and Mednoye I kept thinking about, and didn’t want to think about, what the Poles thought of the places. The Katyn Museum is what the Poles think.

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LGBTQI+ pilots to your automobiles!

Kommentare deaktiviert für LGBTQI+ pilots to your automobiles!

Citizens! Help The War Effort! Wean yourself, and weaken The Kremlin™’s power!


Kommentare deaktiviert für Citizens! Help The War Effort! Wean yourself, and weaken The Kremlin™’s power!

Komplizen und Gräueltaten

Die Zeit: Selbst der treueste Putin-Freund wird zugeben müssen, dass Amerikas Geheim­dienste vor der Invasion in der Ukraine bestens im Bilde waren und Russlands Pläne präzise vorausgesagt haben. Nun berichtet ein westlicher Dienst, China habe im Vorhinein von Putins Absichten gewusst – … Weiterlesen

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10.03.1919 Murder of Leo Jogiches

Kommentare deaktiviert für 10.03.1919 Murder of Leo Jogiches

We should all be on the lookout for obvious ploys and clear patterns

Kommentare deaktiviert für We should all be on the lookout for obvious ploys and clear patterns