Monatsarchive: Juni 2020

Forget the night, live with us in forests of azure

Guardian: “We have this hodge-podge of public health measures, then you have people that are willing to take risks – you’re going to get this kind of stuff,” Hayward said. “We’re not Europeans,” he added, referring to the idea that … Weiterlesen

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Potent Forces

Washington Post: Income is a potent force along with race in determining who among the nation’s vulnerable, older population has been infected with the novel coronavirus, according to a federal analysis that lays bare stark disparities in the pandemic’s toll. … Weiterlesen

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SF Gate: At least 4 San Francisco schools may be renamed amid BLM push From the toppling of statues honoring controversial figures who were tied to slavery in Golden Gate Park this weekend to a push to rename Sir Francis … Weiterlesen

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Heute vor 87 Jahren, am 22. Juni 1933, wurde die SPD von der NSDAP verboten.

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Nicht weniger

Es geht um nicht weniger als um den Selbsterhalt der europäischen Zivilisation. Um die Zivilisation des alten leidgeprüften und zugleich stolzen Kontinents, der nach so vielen Katastrophen in seiner Geschichte zum Kontinent des Friedens, der Demokratie, des Rechts und des … Weiterlesen

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Voller Spott schreibt er 1932 mit Blick auf die wachsenden Erwerbslosen­ziffern während der großen Wirtschafts­krise, wenn alles gut gehe, habe ihm die Schule einen Berechtigungs­schein gegeben, der zu nichts berechtige… —Peter Merseburger, Willy Brandt, (München: Pantheon Verlag, 2013), 25.

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BBC: Under a new law passed on Thursday by Gov Gavin Newsom, residents have to mask up while in public or high-risk settings – including when shopping, on public transport or in medical care. Children under two are exempt from … Weiterlesen

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Herbert Frahm and Jesus Jones

I’m reading about Herbert Frahm this morning. It occurred to me in the last couple days that in the US media and friends are not really even counting the dead any more — the numbers have become background. Demonstrations and … Weiterlesen

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Serving after a clash

Philadelphia Inquirer: Delbert Africa, a longtime member of MOVE who was released from prison in January after serving 41 years for his part in the group’s 1978 clash in Powelton Village with Philadelphia police, has died.…He died of prostate and … Weiterlesen

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Entrance Blockading in a Time of Corona

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1940 m. birželio 14 d.

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