Ukraine urges countries to make ‚Z‘ symbol illegal


Ukraine has called on countries to criminalise the use of the „Z“ symbol that shows support for the war.

Initially used to mark Russian tanks rolling into Ukraine, the letter Z – thought to stand for „za pobedu“ (for victory) – has been adopted by Russians to signal approval of the invasion.

Three German states – Berlin, Bavaria and Lower Saxony – have already said anyone brandishing the symbol to promote the war could be punished with up to three years in jail.

And Germany’s interior ministry has warned that those displaying the symbol to „endorse“ the invasion could be „liable to prosecution“.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dimitry Kuleba has called on other countries to follow Germany’s lead.

„‚Z‘ means Russian war crimes, bombed out cities, thousands of murdered Ukrainians,“ Kuleba tweeted. „Public support of this barbarism must be forbidden.“

The symbol has been daubed on a number of buildings in Germany, and has already been seen on T-shirts, flags and cars, according to the interior ministry.

Lithuania is among other countries considering a ban on the symbol. If approved there, offenders could face a fine of up to €500 (£423).

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