When the hard-foam police projectile struck 22-year-old William Gonzalez in the right eye as he celebrated the Lakers’ NBA title in downtown Los Angeles on Sunday night, it shattered his eye socket, ripped apart his tear duct and “exploded” the eyeball itself, doctors said.
The Kobe Bryant jersey that his brother Michael used to stanch the bleeding was immediately soaked as Michael dragged Gonzalez through the streets, trying to find a way out of the chaos.
Others also were badly injured in the area around Staples Center, where the LAPD declared an unlawful gathering as storefronts were being damaged and officers targeted with thrown bottles and other items. One man lost eight teeth when a projectile struck him in the mouth.
Kobe Bryant, worth half a billion US dollars at the time of his death, attended Lower Merion High School, the suburban Philadelphia high school I would have gone to had I not attended Alternative West, where there were more real drugs, real freedom, and empty political posturing by children of wealth than at Lower Merion (David Shulkin, Trump Secretary of Veterans Affairs was in the class ahead of me).