Monatsarchive: Oktober 2019

Bescheid aus Friesack

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Polnisches Todesmarsch Denkmal Wulkow

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KZ-Außenlager Grüneberg

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KZ-Außenlager Velten

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KZ Lieberose

Niemand wird vergessen. Euer Tod durch die faschistischen Henker ist uns lebenden ewige Mahnung. But to what end?

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Mariendorfer Herbst

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Surveillance capitalism

Shoshana Zuboff: [S]urveillance capitalism diverges from the history of market capitalism in key ways, and this has inhibited democracy’s normal response mechanisms. One of these is that surveillance capitalism abandons the organic reciprocities with people that in the past have … Weiterlesen

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Beevor on Dutch Jews

When the main German round-up of Jews took place in June 1942, there were strikes and protests, but apart from demonstrating great bravery they only increased the repression. Approximately 110,000 Jews out of 140,000 were deported from the Netherlands, and … Weiterlesen

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I didn’t bother reading the article, just read and re-read the title and subtitle, considered the understanding of the role of the state and one’s relationship to it that this position assumes, and contrasted this with the stance of the … Weiterlesen

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KZ-Aufstand von Sobibor

Yehuda Lerner: „Wir wollten nicht wie Schafe getötet werden, wir wollten wie Menschen sterben.“

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Thinking of the 1980s this evening: Reagan’s election, his re-election, Iran-Contra, Bush.

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Gedenkstätte Todesmarsch im Belower Wald

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