Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

Gilbert Doctorow: An overthrow of Putin would lead to chaos, and very likely to genuine radicals assuming power.  Their aggressive inclinations for policy to the West would be underpinned by the vast majority of the Russian population, which, in Shakhnazarov’s … Weiterlesen

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Alfred McCoy, TomDispatch: In short, the West has seized a few yachts from Putin’s cronies, stopped serving Big Macs in Red Square, and slapped sanctions on everything except the one thing that really matters. With Russia supplying 40% of its gas and collecting an estimated $850 … Weiterlesen

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Lithuania has banned public display of the Georgian ribbon and other symbols promoting military aggression, including the „Z“ and „V“ symbols used in Russia’s war against Ukraine. Anyone defying the ban will face fines. The parliament on Tuesday passed the respective amendments to the Law on Administrative Offences and the Law on Assemblies in a vote of 124 to one with two abstentions. The new legislation … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Lithuania has banned public display of the Georgian ribbon and other symbols promoting military aggression, including the „Z“ and „V“ symbols used in Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Systems fallen beyond comprehension

Akhmatova, like the spouses and relations of thousands of Leningraders sent to the camps, began the awful and tedious process of making the rounds of the various police offices and prisons, trying desperately to lobby the ‘organs’ – or the … Weiterlesen

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We must do what we can

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During the frightening years of the Yezhov terror, I spent seventeen months waiting in prison queues in Leningrad. One day, somehow, someone ‚picked me out‘. On that occasion there was a woman standing behind me, her lips blue with cold, … Weiterlesen

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Mehr als 140 Ermittlungs­verfahren wegen Befürwortung des Zs

FAZ: Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaften in mehreren Bundesländern haben einem Bericht zufolge mehr als 140 Ermittlungsverfahren wegen der Befürwortung des russischen Angriffskriegs eingeleitet. In der Mehrheit der Fälle geht es um die Verwendung des „Z“-Symbols, mit dem die russische Armee in … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Mehr als 140 Ermittlungs­verfahren wegen Befürwortung des Zs

Every other major émigré party had announced its utter rejection of the revolution, and its desire to turn back the political clock: some to 1861, before the accession to the throne of Nicholas II; some to before February 1917, when … Weiterlesen

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Exodus to the East: Forebodings and Events: An Affirmation of the Eurasians

These are frightening times, terrifying epochs, like apocalyptic visions, times of great realizations of the Mystery, times frightening and blessed —Georges Florovsky, P. N. Savitskii, Nikolai Trubetzkoy, Pierre Souvtchinsky, Exodus to the East: Forebodings and Events, (Charles Schlacks, Jr., 1996), 122.

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The Euromaidan was not a rupture in the sense of a social revolution.

Volodymyr Ishchenko, New Left Review: The Euromaidan was not a rupture in the sense of a social revolution. As my colleague Oleg Zhuravlev and I have written, it shared features with other post-Soviet uprisings and also with those of the … Weiterlesen

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