Monatsarchive: Juni 2019

Fichtenweg 11

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British 🇬🇧 Defence Secretary @PennyMordaunt: „The message from the #UK is that we are here, we are going to be here for the long term, we are going to be doing more“. #WeAreAllies @LTEMBASSYUK — Lithuania MFA (@LithuaniaMFA) June … Weiterlesen

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Ramstein 29.06.2019

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Talking of democracy even hypothetically can be equalled to fictitious speculation

The myth of democracy goes hand in hand with the myth of transition as, according to neoliberal orthodoxy, where there are markets, there is democracy and freedom of enterprise and individuals. The feasibility of democratic rule in a polity where … Weiterlesen

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Habermas turns 90

Die Zeit: Für Habermas ist der Hinweis auf die „Komplexität“ moderner Gesellschaften zur faulen ideologischen Ausrede geworden, zu einer Art Selbstentwaffnung politischer Eliten, die den Mut zur gestaltenden Politik verloren hätten. Anstatt alles dafür zu tun, die transnationale Zusammenarbeit zu … Weiterlesen

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Neoliberal Fascism

Henry Giroux: Timothy Snyder is right in arguing that “To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, … Weiterlesen

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The end point of mankind’s ideological evolution

The myth of transition is a myth that cuts across the logic of capitalist empire expansion generally speaking. The relationship of the (post-)Soviet states and the IMF, World Bank, EBRD, and later the WTO, has produced not only damaging policy … Weiterlesen

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US Dept of State „Tweet“ 26.06.2019

We are awake now. We are not dreaming. „This is not who we are“ suggests there is some other United States in existence, that we are just pretending, just rehearsing in preparation for some future actual performance where we will … Weiterlesen

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