Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

At an inflection point in history, making fools of the Russian military in many instances, without us having to risk getting into a third world war by sending in American soldiers fighting Russian soldiers

Twitter: I was impressed with CBS tweeting this, given Biden’s statement at 0:39. American media consumers have a difficult time gaining a perspective outside the very limited range possible within their echo chamber. Guardian: Joe Biden on Tuesday told assembly-line … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für At an inflection point in history, making fools of the Russian military in many instances, without us having to risk getting into a third world war by sending in American soldiers fighting Russian soldiers

More detail

Guardian: Here is a little more detail surrounding US claims that Russia plans to “annex” Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Michael Carpenter, the US ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe told reporters in Washington on Monday: … Weiterlesen

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That ability not to have to send our sons and daughters into battle is priceless

Guardian: Approval for Biden Ukraine aid request likely after Pelosi Kyiv visit, McCaul says Bob Menendez, the Democratic New Jersey senator who chairs the upper chamber’s foreign relations committee, echoed Pelosi’s pledge that the US would continue to support Ukraine … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für That ability not to have to send our sons and daughters into battle is priceless

Thank you for your fight for freedom. Your fight is a fight for everyone.

Kommentare deaktiviert für Thank you for your fight for freedom. Your fight is a fight for everyone.

Mützenich fordert Russlands diplomatische Isolierung

Spiegel: Für SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich ist der weitere Umgang mit dem Kreml im Ukrainekrieg klar: Der Westen müsse dafür sorgen, dass sich strategische Partner wie Indien und China vom Kreml abwenden. Aber wie soll das gehen? SPD-Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich fordert, Russland diplomatisch … Weiterlesen

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Santo Domingo, April 30, 1965

Kommentare deaktiviert für Santo Domingo, April 30, 1965

Alles unsere Jungs, die da umgekommen sind! Unsere Jungs! Das muss man sich mal vorstellen! … Sie haben noch keinen Menschen gesehen, der über und über mit Verbrennungen bedeckt ist … Kein Gesicht, keine Augen, kein Körper … Nur gelbe … Weiterlesen

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Vladimir Putin’s speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference

Regarding our perception of NATO’s eastern expansion, I already mentioned the guarantees that were made and that are not being observed today. Do you happen to think that this is normal practice in international affairs? But all right, forget it. … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Vladimir Putin’s speech at the 2007 Munich Security Conference

Economist, 25.08.2017: Tikhon recalled the saying of a revered Russian bishop of the early 20th century that “Catholics are not even a church and as a result not even Christian.” The very fact that both President Putin and Patriarch Kirill … Weiterlesen

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While Putin is unquestionably the most powerful figure in Russia, it is clear that he does not entirely lay claim to the aura either of an absolutist tsar, as projected by his supporters, or of an autocratic despot, as proposed … Weiterlesen

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Ill-begotten gains

Ill-begotten gains? The US is concerned with kleptocracy? There is some legal basis for the United States to challenge the source of funds for a Russian citizen’s yacht purchase?

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Russian invasion force discovered to be cancerous limpet

Guardian: UK defence secretary Ben Wallace has warned that having failed in his main objectives, Russian President Vladimir Putin may order his troops to fortify and dig in, and become a “cancerous growth” in Ukraine. Interviewed on Sky News in … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Russian invasion force discovered to be cancerous limpet