Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

Papas Kino ist tot

Julia Hertäg, New Left Review: Mainstream film critics have charged that the boom in historical drama has gone hand-in-hand with a shift towards commercialized productions, and away from risky or challenging films. Funding has increasingly gone to films that ‘stay … Weiterlesen

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Valstybės diena

Valstybės diena – Lietuvos valstybinė šventė, kuri yra švenčiama liepos 6 d. minint pirmojo ir vienintelio Lietuvos karaliaus Mindaugo karūnaciją. Diena oficialiai yra švenčiama nuo 1991 m. Kasmet liepos 6 d. 21 val. viso pasaulio lietuviai raginami vienybės vardan sugiedoti „Tautišką giesmę“. Ši tradicija gyvuoja nuo 2009-ųjų, kai himnas buvo giedamas minint … Weiterlesen

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Best wishes – hang in there! 💔 🇺🇸 🎆

Kommentare deaktiviert für Best wishes – hang in there! 💔 🇺🇸 🎆

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BBC: Officials in the Uzbek region of Karakalpakstan say thousands of people are being treated in hospital, after being injured during unrest on Friday. The regional health minister said hospitals in the regional capital, Nukus, were full of patients. Clashes … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Unrest

Wolfgang Streeck: Currently the declared war aims of Ukraine include driving all Russian forces back to Russia, the unconditional return of Crimea to Ukraine, the return of the breakaway provinces to the central authority of Kyiv, and Ukrainian membership, if … Weiterlesen

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Jacob Collins, Jacobin: Lévy targeted the philosopher Gilles Deleuze in Barbarism, arguing that his book Anti-Oedipus (cowritten with Félix Guattari) was a plea for amoral individualism (and the pursuit of gratification), and as such an enabling condition for fascism. Deleuze … Weiterlesen

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BREYER, SOTOMAYOR, and KAGAN, JJ., dissenting: Rescinding an individual right in its entirety and conferring it on the State, an action the Court takes today for the first time in history, affects all who have relied on our constitutional system … Weiterlesen


Authenticity 👕

Washington Post: Anne Applebaum, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and former columnist for The Washington Post who now writes for the Atlantic, warned attendees that the traditional fact check — in which individual claims by politicians or advocacy groups are vetted … Weiterlesen

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Zum Glück gibt es Amerika II

John J. Mearsheimer speech at the European University Institute, 16.06.2022: I will make two main arguments today. First, the United States is principally responsible for causing the Ukraine crisis. This is not to deny that Putin started the war and … Weiterlesen

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Die Zeit: Various versions of surprise seem to be the majority response to societal and political fracture in the US, global warming. „This is not America“. „A once-in-100-years heat wave“. I wonder if possibly this will be simply a constant, … Weiterlesen

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Zum Glück gibt es Amerika, rüsten für die neue Realität, gegen die Bedrohung aus Moskau

Spiegel: SZ:

Kommentare deaktiviert für Zum Glück gibt es Amerika, rüsten für die neue Realität, gegen die Bedrohung aus Moskau