Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

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And more insight from America’s newspaper of record

Isabelle Khurshudyan: KYIV, Ukraine — The way to stop Russia from annexing any more of Ukraine’s territory, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday, is for Western countries to announce that they would ban all Russian citizens in response. In a wide-ranging … Weiterlesen

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Thoughts on the future of American politics and all that, from a US newspaper of record

Jonathan Capehart: Opinion | Liz Cheney is the Obi-Wan to Trump’s Darth Vader Star Wars fans, remember that scene in “Episode IV: A New Hope” when Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Sith lord Darth Vader are light-sabering it out on the Death … Weiterlesen

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Sonst ist alles verloren

Wer so wenig Macht hat, darf den Mut nicht verlieren, sonst ist alles verloren. Ω Ω Ω Man geht im Streit der Welt nicht nur an den Schlägen kaputt, die man einsteckt, sondern mehr noch an den Schlägen die man leider nicht … Weiterlesen

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Hiroshima Day 2022

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The Scary Thing

Mikhail Kirilyuk, From this point of view, the fighters in the Warsaw Uprising are losers. They lost, they were killed, defeated, and they left the country. They did not account for the betrayal of the Russian army (and by … Weiterlesen

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Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas

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Operation Motorman, 31.07.1972

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What Use Is the Moon?

Srećko Horvat, Jacobin: After command module pilot Michael Collins returned to Earth after the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon, he famously said that future flights “should include a poet, a priest and a philosopher, so we might get a … Weiterlesen

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Verdunklung oder Volksaufständen, sogar Lichtverschmutzung: Es geht um ein Zeichen

Berliner Zeitung: Die Verdunkelung von Siegessäule, Staatsoper oder Rotem Rathaus bringt nur wenig Ersparnis. Warum sie dennoch richtig ist. Vor einigen Wochen erst brachte die erste Berliner Partei – es war die FDP – die Frage auf, ob die Stadt … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Verdunklung oder Volksaufständen, sogar Lichtverschmutzung: Es geht um ein Zeichen

One in three people killed by US police were fleeing

Guardian: Nearly one third of people killed by US police since 2015 were running away, driving off or attempting to flee when the officer fatally shot or used lethal force against them, data reveals. In the past seven years, police … Weiterlesen

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Lithuania puts travel ban on Moscow Patriarch Kirill

LRT: Lithuania has banned Moscow Orthodox Patriarch Kirill from entering the country because of his support for Russia’s continued invasion of Ukraine, the Interior Ministry confirmed on Wednesday. The cleric was added to the list of unwanted persons on June … Weiterlesen

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