Tagesarchive: Juli 6, 2022


Associated Press: Judge won’t block law banning most Mississippi abortions JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — As attorneys argued about abortion laws across the South on Tuesday, a Mississippi judge rejected a request by the state’s only abortion clinic to temporarily block … Weiterlesen

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The Death of the British Imperial State

Craig Murray: Acres have been written in the mainstream media about Johnson’s lying and personal immorality, but there is very little serious effort to understand why so many in society have been prepared to tolerate this. The answer is that … Weiterlesen

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Papas Kino ist tot

Julia Hertäg, New Left Review: Mainstream film critics have charged that the boom in historical drama has gone hand-in-hand with a shift towards commercialized productions, and away from risky or challenging films. Funding has increasingly gone to films that ‘stay … Weiterlesen

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Valstybės diena

Valstybės diena – Lietuvos valstybinė šventė, kuri yra švenčiama liepos 6 d. minint pirmojo ir vienintelio Lietuvos karaliaus Mindaugo karūnaciją. Diena oficialiai yra švenčiama nuo 1991 m. Kasmet liepos 6 d. 21 val. viso pasaulio lietuviai raginami vienybės vardan sugiedoti „Tautišką giesmę“. Ši tradicija gyvuoja nuo 2009-ųjų, kai himnas buvo giedamas minint … Weiterlesen

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Best wishes – hang in there! 💔 🇺🇸 🎆

Kommentare deaktiviert für Best wishes – hang in there! 💔 🇺🇸 🎆