Monatsarchive: Januar 2019

Ist das ein Mensch?

Guardian: “The whole thing felt like Game of Thrones, but with the characters from Veep,” writes Sims, an Alabaman who joined the Trump campaign as co-host of a Facebook live program run by the campaign. This sentence gnawed at me … Weiterlesen

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Marie Kondo kann uns nicht helfen

taz: Doch so schön die gelösten privaten Konflikte auch sind, die allem zugrunde­liegende gesellschaftliche Katastrophe wird nicht thematisiert: das absurde Konsum­verhalten des Menschen im Spätkapitalismus. Die Reflexion dessen, welche Rolle das Kaufen spielt – für den einzelnen Menschen, aber auch … Weiterlesen

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A curious broadside from Bernie Sanders is aimed at whom, exactly?

The Guardian today printed a piece by Bernie Sanders with the title „Trump’s economy is great for billionaires, not for working people“ the first two-thirds of which is an attack on the Trump administration’s huge diversion of wealth to the … Weiterlesen

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Largest defeat for a sitting government in history

BBC: European Council President Donald Tusk has suggested that the UK should stay in the EU, after the prime minister’s Brexit deal was rejected in parliament. „If a deal is impossible, and no one wants no deal, then who will … Weiterlesen

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Hoher Fläming

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Americans abroad

Spiegel: Tucker Carlson’s worldview doesn’t come across as particularly complex. It can be summed up in three words: Foreigners threaten America. That’s all that’s needed for good ratings. This article makes a number of worthwhile points, I think, including the … Weiterlesen

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In dubiis

On the title page of my new textbooks I find: Der erscheint mir als der Größte, der zu keiner Fahne schwört, und, weil er vom Teil sich löste, nun der ganzen Welt gehört. Rainer Maria Rilke I like this so … Weiterlesen

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William Arkin on US media coverage of the US military

William Arkin: Despite being at “war,” no great wartime leaders or visionaries are emerging. There is not a soul in Washington who can say that they have won or stopped any conflict. And though there might be the beloved perfumed princes in the form of the Petraeus’ and Wes Clarks’, or the so-called warrior … Weiterlesen

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