Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

The woman’s role

Dugin leaned over and said: ‘Eduard, your task as a warrior and kshatriya is to lead people; and I am but a priest, magician, Merlin, I have a woman’s role to explain and console.’ In fact, the party was arguably … Weiterlesen

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The events of September–October 1993 would lead to armed conflict in the centre of Moscow, the worst fighting there since 1917, and very nearly to full-scale civil war. The motives and behaviour of both sides remain extremely puzzling to this … Weiterlesen

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Andreas Ross, FAZ: In der Konfrontation gegen eine erschütternd große Gruppe verhärteter Rechtsradikaler und eine noch größere Gruppe von Unzufriedenen in deren Windschatten hat Macron sein Heil nicht in taktischer Europaskepsis gesucht, wie es so viele europäische Politiker in ähnlicher … Weiterlesen

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Eine Krankenschwester Die Jungs haben immer »Mama!« geschrien, wenn’s zu schlimm war, wenn die Schmerzen zu groß waren. Andere Namen hab ich nicht gehört. —Swetlana Alexijewitsch, »Zinkjungen: Afghanistan und die Folgen«, (Berlin: Hanser, 2014), 42.

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Wenn ich heimkehre, werde ich in kein einziges Militärmuseum mehr gehen … —Swetlana Alexijewitsch, »Zinkjungen: Afghanistan und die Folgen«, (Berlin: Hanser, 2014), 29.

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Nuklearwaffen gegen Putin 🇩🇪

Alexander Neubacher, Spiegel: Isar 2, Emsland und Neckarwestheim 2 helfen nicht nur dem Klima, sondern auch gegen den Krieg in der Ukraine. Noch ist es nicht zu spät, den Atomausstieg zu stoppen.

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Standing for nothing except corruption, nihilism, enhancing their own depleted population

Luke Harding (yes, that Luke Harding), Guardian: The historian Anne Applebaum said the Russian government’s methods in Ukraine were darkly familiar. Today’s Moscow is replicating what Soviet forces did in occupied Poland, the Baltic states and the rest of central … Weiterlesen

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Together with Dzhemal, Dugin began to dabble more and more in the politics of the perestroika era. ‘Those two, they wanted power. They were looking for any sort of elevator to the top, and they found it in fascism’, said … Weiterlesen

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Mancrush Monday

Timo Frasch, FAZ: Ha­ben Sie das Foto gesehen, auf dem der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj die Hand der EU-Parlamentspräsidentin Metsola fast zerquetscht, mit einem Unterarm, von dem Putin nur träumen kann?

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Enter Aleksandr Dugin

One evening, a young man appeared at the Klyazma dacha, brought by an acquaintance. He looked no more than 18. His head was shaved, but he had an aristocratic bearing and a quick wit. He was immediately charismatic, and came … Weiterlesen

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In fact, the coming demise of the Soviet Union would vindicate not only ‘primordialist’ theories of nationalism, like Gumilev’s, which saw nationalism as immanent, natural and essential, a fundamental, unchanging and practically genetic identity; the constructivists – those who believed … Weiterlesen

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Wimbledon Statement Regarding Russian and Belarusian Individuals at The Championships 2022 …it would be unacceptable for the Russian regime to derive any benefits from the involvement of Russian or Belarusian players with The Championships. It is therefore our intention, with deep regret, to decline entries from Russian and Belarusian players … Weiterlesen

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