Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

Putin on US cruise missiles in Eastern Europe, 2016 St Petersburg International Economic Forum

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Fabian Scheidler on this stage of capitalism

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Ukraine: US offers Putin summit with Biden in effort to stop slide to war

Guardian: Ukraine: US offers Putin summit with Biden in effort to stop slide to war Move comes amid ‘frank and substantive’ talks in Geneva and announcement by Russia of new military exercises FAZ: SZ:

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A sanctioned parking site for unhoused people

San Francisco Chronicle: San Francisco quietly opened a large sanctioned parking site for unhoused people this week, providing dozens of spots in the Bayview for those who live in RVs and cars. Despite fierce opposition, including a lawsuit from some … Weiterlesen

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See because there’s Antifa Westberlin, but then for that little something extra, there’s Antifa+ – you know, for when Antifa alone isn’t quite enough.

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Apple und Google sollen Telegram verbannen

FAZ: Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) will Apple und Google wegen Gewaltaufrufen und Hetze auffordern, die Telegram-App aus ihrem Angebot zu verbannen. Sie wolle die beiden Anbieter für Apps auf mobilen Endgeräten an ihre „gesellschaftliche Verantwortung“ erinnern, sagte die Ministerin am … Weiterlesen

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