Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

Cyberthreats to The Homeland

I find use of the phrase „The Homeland“ chilling, with overtones of empire, of fascism.

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Muzeum Żołnierzy Wyklętych i Więźniów Politycznych PRL

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NATO and the Coalition of the Willing (albeit some unknowingly willing)

Wikipedia: The Bush administration briefly used „coalition of the willing“ to refer to the countries who supported, militarily or politically, the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent military presence in post-invasion Iraq. The list released by the White House in March 2003 included 46 members.[2] In … Weiterlesen

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Problematisch (keine „Westminster-Demokratie“)

Die Zeit: Deutschland muss laut Habeck auch künftig Gas aus Autokratien beziehen Der Bund könne Energie weiterhin nicht nur aus Demokratien kaufen, sagte der Wirtschaftsminister. Aus Sicht von Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne) kann Deutschland, um den Energiebedarf zu decken, auch künftig … Weiterlesen

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al. Jana Pawła II, Warszawa

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KZ Radogoszcz

The museum here has by far the most extensive exhibit I’ve seen on how the Nazis transformed Polish society, controlling print and broadcast media, imposing curfews on non-Germans, rationing food and other essentials according to perceived race. It’s certainly the … Weiterlesen

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Pomnik Martyrologii Dzieci „Pęknietego Serca“

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Ghetto Litzmannstadt

„Zur Arbeit ausgereist“

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A take on time which is an alternative to Rammstein’s

The Byrds on time, for that matter:

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Zoltan Grossman, CounterPunch: Or Putin might have an even more diabolical plan in mind, one that has a precedent, which includes securing NATO approval for partition. That precedent is in the 1992-95 war in Bosnia, which pit Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) … Weiterlesen

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Gerhard Schröder, 18.03.2003

Kommentare deaktiviert für Gerhard Schröder, 18.03.2003