Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle


Berliner Zeitung: „Mir ist das ‚Z‘ auch schon in der U-Bahn aufgefallen. Das beunruhigt mich“,  sagt der Berliner. Die Mitarbeiter der Bodo-Uhse-Stadtteil­bücherei bleiben nach erneuter Nachfrage dabei, dass das „Z“ in der Größe sich schon immer auf dem Kunstwerk befunden … Weiterlesen

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The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades

Marco D’Eramo, New Left Review: It is not frequently noted that, for over two years, Covid-19 was used to justify the complete closure of China to the outside world: a sealing off which hadn’t occurred since the Qing dynasty attempted … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades

Ukraine urges countries to make ‚Z‘ symbol illegal

BBC: Ukraine has called on countries to criminalise the use of the „Z“ symbol that shows support for the war. Initially used to mark Russian tanks rolling into Ukraine, the letter Z – thought to stand for „za pobedu“ (for … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Ukraine urges countries to make ‚Z‘ symbol illegal

Dmitry Peskov on PBS

Kommentare deaktiviert für Dmitry Peskov on PBS

Everyone outside Russia has been watching hundreds and hundreds of hours

I have not been watching any hours, let alone hundreds and hundreds, as I tend to read, rather than watch much video. I do notice here, however, that as Ryan Chilcote says „targeting of civilian infra­structure“ we are shown a … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Everyone outside Russia has been watching hundreds and hundreds of hours

I don’t care what he thinks.…He’s not affected by anybody else

Kommentare deaktiviert für I don’t care what he thinks.…He’s not affected by anybody else

What was the second part? Interpreting the language that way (silly)

„The fact is that we’re in a situation where what complicates the situation at the moment is the escalatory efforts of Putin to continue and engage in carnage, the kind of behavior that that makes the whole world say, ‚My … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für What was the second part? Interpreting the language that way (silly)

Die Zeit: Mehrere Bundesländer gehen gegen das Z-Symbol vor, das als Unterstützungs­zeichen der russischen Armee im Krieg in der Ukraine gilt. Niedersachsen, Bayern und Berlin ordneten an, dass die öffentliche Verwendung des Symbols in Deutschland etwa bei Demonstrationen strafbar ist. Nordrhein-Westfalen kündigte an, strafrechtliche … Weiterlesen

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The US understands the danger inherent in Mr Biden’s words

Anthony Zurcher, BBC: Over the past week, US President Joe Biden has made a series of unscripted remarks that have upped the temperature of US-Russia relations to near boiling point. However, his ad-libbed line at the end of what was … Weiterlesen

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30-year-old punks who come from privileged backgrounds, claiming they’re experts in policy when they actually do not have the basic knowledge

Ted Postol: My grave concern is I know some of these characters who worked for Obama, and who now work for Biden. And I’m sorry to say it—I know it will be considered arrogant to say this—but they are ignorant. … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für 30-year-old punks who come from privileged backgrounds, claiming they’re experts in policy when they actually do not have the basic knowledge

When being a bold renegade was a good thing

Kommentare deaktiviert für When being a bold renegade was a good thing