Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

Beyond Vietnam

Martin Luther King, April 4, 1967: Now, it should be incandescently clear that no one who has any concern for the integrity and life of America today can ignore the present war. If America’s soul becomes totally poisoned, part of … Weiterlesen

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Interview with Chess Grandmaster Daniil Dubov

DER SPIEGEL: Mr. Dubov, you are one of the 44 Russian chess players who, in an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the beginning of March, called for an end to the war of aggression on Ukraine. Why … Weiterlesen

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Schärfere Sanktionen

Die Zeit: Annalena Baerbock kündigt schärfere Sanktionen gegen Russland an It’s April 3.

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Кони Привередливые

Владимир Высоцкий

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Sergey Karaganov: For 25 years, people like myself have been saying that if Nato and Western alliances expand beyond certain red lines, especially into Ukraine, there will be a war. I envisioned that scenario as far back as 1997. In … Weiterlesen

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Chris Hedges talks with Amy Goodman about YouTube deleting his RT show archive

Hedges on Substack: I was on RT for the same reason the dissident Vaclav Havel, who I knew, was on Voice of America during the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. It was that or not be heard. Havel had no more … Weiterlesen

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„limited in its influence“

Brian Garvey, CounterPunch: Beyond the immediate suffering, events taking place right now in Eastern Europe will have an impact on peace issues and defense policy for years to come. Woefully, the peace movement in the United States, limited in its … Weiterlesen

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»Ein Foto von Johnson, Scholz und Macron mitten in Kiew – das wäre ein starkes Zeichen« ✌️🌈🙏


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Die unglaubliche Geschichte um den Laptop von Hunter Biden

SZ: Bisher gibt es keine Belege dafür, dass der Vater selbst in die fragwürdigen Geschäfte involviert war oder davon wusste. Joe Biden machte stets geltend, er beschäftige sich nicht mit den Geschäften seiner Familienmitglieder. Angesichts des großen Werts, den er … Weiterlesen

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A Normal War

Alexander Zevin, New Left Review: This bravado extends to the culture industry at large, where signs abound of a moment akin to that which followed 9/11, when renaming French Fries occupied the dead time between Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. … Weiterlesen

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Intelligentny is a multi-faceted adjective my mother likes to use to characterize people. It is a salad mix of education, culture, intelligence, and manners, plus a certain view of the world that allows an alternative. The Commissar, who yelled at … Weiterlesen

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Daniel Ellsberg, il Fatto Quotidiano: I didn’t want to spend my life in prison, but when it came to risking that to have a chance to shorten a war that was killing hundreds of thousands, ultimately several million people, then … Weiterlesen

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